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L'art inuit - Tribal art

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Tribal art > African art books > L'art inuit

L'art inuit (N° 25705) Deposit sale

Richly illustrated with more than a hundred color reproductions, "Inuit art in celebration 1948 - 1970" is an impressive photographic tribute to an art form virtually unknown fifty years ago, but which now regularly appears in major exhibitions around the world. A product of economic necessity, Inui art has captured the imagination of art lovers since 1949, when it was first exhibited. "Inuit art in celebration 1948 - 1970" presents sculptures from the period when the Inuit of Canada abandoned their nomadic life to settle in small villages all over the Arctic. During this tumultuous period, in a society threatened by acculturation, art played a crucial social role in remembering and expressing the rich oral history of this culture.

Author: Maria von Finckenstein
Editions: Key Porter Books / Canadian Museum of Civilization, Toronto
Condition: very good
Language: French
Number of pages: 191
Dimensions: 290 x 240 mm
ISBN: 978-0660960081

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 10.0 €)

Estimated shipping cost

Weight1.08 Kg

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