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Tribal art > African fetish > Vili statue

Vili statue (N° 22902)

The tribal fetishes of the Kongo kingdom have a magic charge generally lodged on the abdomen in a sealed cavity. The gaze encrusted with dark pupils is associated with extra lucid abilities. erosions.
The nganga , sorcerers but also healers, were in charge of religious activities and mediation with the God called Nzambi through this type of figure, most often consecrated anthropomorphic tribal sculptures, named nkisi.
Among the Kongo, the nganga was responsible for rituals by activating a spiritual force with a nkondi (pl. nkissi). The term nkisi was then used to designate the notions of "sacred" or "divine". The most influential category of "minkisi kongo" consisted of instruments to help regional chiefs enforce the law. A metal object was nailed to a wooden figure as soon as a decision was made, each nail evoking a particular case: parties in dispute, divorce, conflicts between communities... The nkondi thus wanted to ensure that the agreement before resolution of the conflict was well applied, and that individuals fear the consequences of their behavior. Its appearance therefore personified the strength residing there. From the second half of the 20th century, minkisi minkondi were strategically placed along the coasts of the Loango kingdom to protect against European incursions. Among the most powerful, the Mangaaka was considered the "king" and "master", supreme arbiter of conflicts and protector of communities.

Source: "the Kongo gesture" Ed. Dapper Museum


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginRécolté in-situ 1994
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, metal, plumes
Height cm71
Width23 cm
Weight4.20 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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